Multipurpose cloths
The cloth is a tool used for cleaning surfaces since time immemorial.
A decidedly important tool, still present in our homes today, as well as a daily aid whose centrality in domestic chores is evidenced by the many names given to it: dishcloth, dish towel, kitchen towel, “canovaccio” (canvas towel: if it is made of vegetable fibre); these are then accompanied by regional variations: the cloth becomes “burazzo” in Emilia Romagna, “asciughino” in Tuscany, “sparrone” in the Marche region, “mappina” in Campania, “stràssa” in Veneto.
It is no coincidence, therefore, that Arcasa’s production activity began with the creation of cloths for cleaning the house; over the years, market evolutions have created the need to create specific cleaning cloths for each type of surface, leading to the expansion of Arcasa’s catalogue
- Multipurpose cloths